About Us

At Corner Store Vintage we offer a handful of individually selected pieces with some pieces reworked with techniques used to elevate every item touched.
For a long time, a common question we constantly were asked was, “where do you get your clothes?”. As we looked down at our garments we realized all we had on was thrifted pieces and things we had made ourselves. This served no help to the person asking us these questions as these clothes were not available at the mall or any chain store. There was not a singular store that contained what we were wearing. More importantly, there was no store that contained what we represented. So why not change that?

Clothing brings confidence, clothing brings comfort, clothing speaks volumes before you can even open your mouth. First impressions are forever important, so why not portray yourself correctly? Our collections of hand sourced vintage items are our best way of ensuring that your first impression is not an impression but a statement.